Rabu, 28 September 2011

Ujian Apoteker Part 3

Akhirnya masuk bagian praktek. setelah selesai ujian lisan (sidang) dan dipastikan lolos, diteruskan di ujian praktek. Sebenarnya agak sedih juga liat temen2 yang ga lolos ke tahap ujian praktek, apalagi ada beberapa nama yang jadi ketua-ketua untuk membantu kelancara ujian apoteker. Jadi ngerasa berdosa karena mungkin karena mengurusi kami-kami yang ujian apotker, mereka ga lulus.

meskipun ujian prakteknya masih jauh (pengumuman kelulusan agustus, sedangkan ujian praktek 20-an oktober), ternyata persiapannya bikin pusing. Selang sehari abis pengumuman, udah kumpul-kumpul lagi buat bahas bahan apa aja yang diperluin. dan ternyata disinilah letak kesulitan dimulai.

Pas kumpul2, baru nyadar klo steril itu ga kaya lab lain yang alat n bahan kebanyakan cuma untuk diri sendiri. Ternyata banyak uji-uji, kontrol ruangan, sterilisasi dan segala tetek bengek lain yang harus diurus bersama, dan perlu kerja sama dan komitmen yang kuat dari seluruh anggota lab steril.

Beruntung saat itu ada teh Adah yang pernah ikut tahun lalu (maaf, ga bermaksud menyinggung, maaf2 bila ditafsirkan "kami merasa bersyukur anda tak lulus kemarin), jadi kita bisa ngebayangin lab asteril itus eperti apa dan bakal kaya gimana. jadi hari itu dah dapet gambaran dan hitungan kasar bahan apa aja yang dibutuhin, dan beberapa tips2 dan koreksi cara ngitung kebutuhan bahan dari teh Adah. jadi hari itu dah dapet jumlah media, jumlah air(kasar), dan kebutuhan bahan seluruh kelompok, cuma alat yang kayaknya masih bingung2.

dan bisa dibilang, kumpul2 pasca pengumuman kelulusan itu berkisar soal kebutuhan alat dan bahan doang, sekalian coba2 bikin jurnal sendiri. Ternyata ngitung kebutuhan alat itu agak susah, mesti dibayangin gimana kita kerja nanti, dan alat ga cuma pas pembuatan, tapi juga untuk pembuatan media, digesti peptik, belum lagi bahas uji sterilitas itu sebenarnya berapa.

nah, tanggal 20-an agustus itu ketemuan ama bu Cici, nanyain sebenarnya kebutuhan bahan itu buat apa aja, dan ternyata buat uji sterilitas dan beberapa uji fisik aja, ada beberapa uji lain yang didispensasi, soalnya katanya waktunya ga cukup, dan pada minggu itu disuruh nyerahin formula bersama jumlah-jumlahnya untuk 1x pembuatan. terus, kita-kita juga dah mulai bagi2 tugas dan nentuin siapa jadi pj apa.

Waktu itu juga lab steril kedatangan temen baru (fang-fang)yang mulanya di lt 3, jadi yang asalnya 10 jadi 11, kebayang lagi kebutuhan membengkak dan waktu akan semakin mepet. Apalagi setelah kita tahu bahwa anak-anak analisis yang ngerjain potensi antibiotik juga akan memakan tempat di lab mikro dan memakai autoklaf, benar2 pusing dah. jadi kami, opik, fangfang, citta, janti, manyin, adah, nessa, achi, vidi, sari, dan Adah harus benar2 meras otak untuk hari H

Pas lebaran datang, diskusi-diskusi itu terhenti, dan kita2 agak bersantai dulu, meski terus terang soal itu kepikiran terus.

pas masuk, ok, mulai bahas soal kebutuhan alat dan bahan secara lebih pasti, dan udah mulai bahas soal juknis dan apa aja yang mesti dilakuin nanti pas hari-H. masih oingat hari sabtu dan minggu sebelum seminggu sebelum hari-H kita duduk di belakang comlabs buat bahas juknis. sabtu dari siang sampe maghrib, dan minggunya dari pagi sampai sore.

Kebayang kita2 dalam satu meja merapikan kebutuhan alat dan juknis sekaligus. maaf-maaf klo kita suka kacau soal kebutuhan alat, Rista, soalnya waktu itu benar2 takut klo ada yang kurang, dan cadangan pun kita cuma 3 orang, ga 2x orang. Trus yang bikin juknis sampai nentuin pj2 pembuatan dan pj otoklaf oven, itu, itu sulit dan rumitnya minta ampun, apalagi opik juga baru tahu harus ada acc-acc segala untuk to-takhir. Belum lagi kepkiran soal "harus nulis jurnal dulu sebelum kerja". wah jadi makin ribet deh.

Dan soal GJ-gj yang ga jelas juntrungannya itu, entah kenapa bisa tya pada saat itu opik munculin istilah kita dalam satu perahu, dan berawal dari situ muncullah grup rahasia "genk steril". Malah si fangfang ampe susah payah nemuin itu dari siapa sih. istilah perahu (dan kapal) itu.

ok, juknis dan alat beres, tapi apa kerjaan sebelum hari H beres? belum, soalnya sabtu minggu itu baru sekedar persiapan untuk seminggu sebelum ujian.

ya beli alatlah, beli kapaslah, beli ini, itu. mesen alat, bawa dari gudang, nyuci2, bungkus-bungkus, bikin sumbat botol, motong2 kertas. aduh, kayaknya kerjaannya dikit, tapi untuk ngerjain satu kerjaan dalam daftar itu perlu tenaga dan waktu yang cukup banyak, pas seminggu itu juga nyepakatin jurnal kita mau dibikin kaya gimana dan isinya apa aja, sama soal kemasan n printer.

Klo dipikir2, kayanya ga bisa deh itu semua dikerjain sendiri, dan opik beruntung banget dikelilingi dan melangkah bersama teman2 yang ga egois dan mentingin kepentingan kelompok dulu daripada diri sendiri. dan akhirnya hari H itupun tiba

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Anime is for Kids

I've tinked about this, you can see many discussion and articles that point out Anime are not only for kids and those who refuse that the anime they're watching is a childish thing. Just google it.

But I've been thinking about the room for kids in the entertainment world for now. Especially in my country Indonesia where children entertainment such as songs, films, etc are becoming rare, although some pop up, but too many of them are more suitable for teenagers or adults, so it's something that are stuffed to children because there's nothing else.

OK, now back to the original topic. Let's see, if you screen through those anime chart's, what's going on right now and for some years back, we can see that anime for children is becoming more and more rare. Their stories have gone rather complex and too hard to understand for a child, and we get more fanservice and those shot's that kids aren't supposed to see. And it's not just that, some stories that first are targeted to kids get more complex after the beginning and then it isn't for kids anymore.

Why does this happen, are there no more room for kid's in anime, or is money more important. Anime are gonna lose one of their most important audience like this. Not only now, but also for the future. In my opinion, the anime nowadays tend to get more and more faraway from what that "can be accepted by general". Anime nowadays tend to be targeted to more smaller groups and many audience outside these groups tend to dislike it. Take an example of yuri, loli, harem, or those full fanservices anime. Or those with heavy anbd complex stories about conspiracy.

Can Kids Take them? BIg No. The old days anime that used to make kids dream and imagine for a brighter future are now rare. The Kids now can't watch what the kids from a generation behind them can watch. SO what do they watch? Must they watch those anime that aren't suited for them? like here in Indonesia where kids are dtuffed with Music and TV Programs for adult and teenagers. It's bad for their growth.

Once again, let us come back to the beginning, where cartoon and drawings for general were mostly meant to kids. Make the story simple but interesting, and they should have a moral behind the story too. Shield the kids from Fanservice, harem, blood, violence, the complex truth about life, and let them dream for a better future.

Senin, 05 September 2011

Why do we read Quran, even if we can’t understand a single Arabic word?


Found on the interwebs.

Why do we read Quran, even if we can’t understand a single Arabic word???? This is a beautiful story.

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa! I try to read the Quran just like you but I don’t understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur’an do?”
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, “Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.
The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, “You’ll have to move a little faster next time,” and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.
The old man said, “I don’t want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You’re just aganot trying hard enough,” and he went out the door to watch the boy try in.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, “See Grandpa, it’s useless!”
“So you think it is useless?” The old man said, “Look at the basket.”

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
Son, that’s what happens when you read the Qur’an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives.”